a memorial for all wars: the Polynational War Memorial



War Database Update Log 2016

By: Jon Brunberg | posted: 3/27/2016 2:47:50 PM


I’m happy to be able to announce that the long overdue update of the war database has begun. Even though the first datasets from UCDP, which much of my list of wars is based on, was released already in summer 2015, I had to attend to other projects during the fall and winter. I´m planning to, over the following weeks, update the fatality data for battle-deaths, onesided violence and non-state wars, to update some war articles, and to add preliminary posts for wars in 2015. It´s high time to get started, and you will, as always, be able to follow the update in this Update Log.

Update Log 2016

March 26

The List of Wars was updated with the latest battle-related-deaths data from UCDP:s battle-related-deaths dataset v.5-2015.

Libyan Govt. vs Insurgents (ID 329) has been merged with Libyan Civil War (ID 259) for time being.

March 29

The list of wars was updated with the latest data from UCDP:s One-sided violence dataset v1.4 2015. Please note that much of the data in this dataset, that cover the period 1989-2014, needs to be added - and that due to the structure of the dataset the one-sided violence of some actors may have been added to the most relevant conflict, even though their acts may have been committed in the context of two, or several, conflicts.

April 3

The list of wars is currently being updated with the latest data from UCDP:s Non-state conflict dataset v2.5 2015. Several new non-state wars will be added to the list of wars over the coming weeks and non-state wars will be flagged in the list.

New conflict(s) added:

Hunde and allies vs Hutu, Banyarwanda 1993-96

April 5

Mexican Drug War: this conflict has been recoded as a non state conflict. Fatality data is now drawn entirely from UCDP:s onesided violence and non-state conflict datasets.

New non-state war added: Lou Nuer vs Murle (Jonglei conflict)


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